Your Guilt Gremlin is Making You Pleasure Scarce

September 5, 2024

Let’s get real—pleasure guilt is sneaky. It tricks you into thinking that your joy is selfish or undeserved, especially when the world feels heavy. Maybe your version of the Guilt Gremlin whispers things like:

  • “I can’t enjoy my success because my coworker is struggling.”
  • “How can I relax when others are suffering in ways I can’t even comprehend?”
  • “If I’m thriving while my friend’s relationship is falling apart, maybe I should downplay my happiness.”

This kind of thinking is robbing you. It’s making pleasure feel like a scarce resource, something you have to ration, like there’s only so much to go around. But here’s the truth: your happiness doesn’t take away from anyone else’s. Feeling pleasure in your life doesn’t mean you’re oblivious to the pain in the world or insensitive to others’ struggles.

In fact, it’s pleasure that fills your cup, replenishes your spirit, and gives you the energy to navigate challenges. It’s not a reward for when everything is perfect—it’s fuel for the journey.

When we put pleasure on the back burner—whether it’s rest, sex, joy, or indulgence—it’s like expecting our phones to run without charging them. We grind, hustle, and push, thinking we’ll “earn” the right to feel good later. But later never comes. The result? Burnout. Resentment. Exhaustion.

Here’s the secret: pleasure isn’t just for after you’ve solved all your problems. It’s for right now—even if the world is chaotic, even if things feel unfair, even if you haven’t “earned” it in the way you think you should.

So why do we let guilt hold us back? Why do we deprive ourselves of what’s freely available?

Because we’ve been conditioned to believe that feeling good should be rare, like it’s selfish or frivolous. We’ve been taught that we need to stay small, limit ourselves, and sacrifice our own joy to be seen as “good” or “deserving.”

But I’m here to tell you—pleasure is your birthright. It’s not something you have to apologize for or delay until you’ve checked every box. The truth is, there is enough joy to go around, just like there is enough air for everyone to breathe.

You don’t feel bad for taking a deep breath, do you? So why would you feel bad for enjoying your life?

Pleasure doesn’t run out. It’s abundant, always available, and the more you allow yourself to feel it, the more it flows into every area of your life.

So, stop acting like pleasure is scarce. Start recognizing it as the lifeblood of living fully. The more you allow yourself to feel joy, the more you’ll have to share with others. And isn’t that a beautiful thing?

It’s time to silence the Guilt Gremlin, embrace your right to feel good, and thrive in ways you never thought possible. Your joy matters.

Learn with Hanna

Your love is my pleasure, and pleasure is my love. Let's connect for to understand our deeper ecology.

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