Herbal Alchemy

Pleasure is your birthright; plants are your medicine.

In a world where modern medicine often takes center stage, we invite you to rediscover the ancient art of healing that puts your well-being back into your own hands. You are your own healer, and with Herbal Alchemy, you can unlock the transformative power of nature to feel more alive, more connected to your body, and more vibrant in every aspect of your life.

Our 1:1 clinical herbal sessions are designed to empower you with knowledge and tools that extend far beyond our time together. We go beyond just treating physical symptoms – we delve deep into the emotional and environmental factors influencing your well-being, crafting holistic solutions that address every aspect of your health journey. We'll explore lifestyle habits, stress management techniques, dietary considerations, and more, ensuring that you have everything you need to thrive long after our sessions conclude.

With Herbal Alchemy, you'll receive your own custom herbal blends, meticulously crafted to support your body's natural rhythms and promote balance and vitality. These blends are more than just remedies – they're a gateway to a deeper understanding of your body and its needs, providing ongoing support for your mind, body, and spirit.

Clinical Consultation
Tailored Care
Educational Empowerment

One Time Session + Herbal Medicine: $70

3 Month Immersion + Herbal Medicine: $700

Herbal Alchemy is for you if:

  • Ready to commit yourself to a well nourished life
  • Tired of outsourcing your power
  • Desire to connect with your natural rhythms
  • Crave connection with Plant Spirit Medicine
  • Ready to experience more Eros in your day to day
  • Struggling with reproductive health concerns (PCOS, infertility, irregular periods, endometriosis, BV, imbalance hormones, etc.)

What's included:

  • Weekly 1 hour session for 3 months
  • Herbal consultation and treatment plan with certified holistic sex educator and herbalist Hanna Livengood
  • Botanical Medicine
  • Holistic Re-education
  • Herbal Education
  • Somatic Practices
  • Topics: Reproductive Anatomy, Hormone Literacy, Fertility Tracking, Herbal Education (Herbal womb medicine, yoni medicine, hormone balance support), Communication Styles & Practice, Boundaries, Pleasure Mapping, Pleasure Tools, Goal Oriented Sex, Sexual Shame, Social Justice Issues Related to Sex, Tantra, Somatic Therapy, Plant Allies
  • Resources: Anatomical Charts, Cycle Syncing Chart, Cycle Tracking Template, Pleasure Mapping Template, Herbal Chart, Somatic Practices, Eco-erotic immersion practices, Rites of Passage Rituals (chord-cutting ceremonies, full moon ceremonies, solar return ceremonies, etc.)

Bookings Currently Open

Inquiry about Herbal Alchemy

Passage Alchemy

Life's liminalities are not meant to be traversed alone.

Celebrated are the cultural milestones of getting a driver's license or retiring, yet the profound initiations of life often go unnoticed. We overlook the transitions of bleed, baby, and menopause – moments that shape us, challenge us, and ultimately transform us. As a Full Spectrum Doula, I am here to honor and guide you through these sacred passages with compassion, knowledge, and unwavering support.

I believe in the power of reverence for life's initiations, and I am dedicated to ensuring that you navigate these liminal spaces with grace and confidence. Whether you're embarking on the journey of menstruation, welcoming a new life into the world, or embracing the wisdom of menopause, I will be by your side every step of the way. As your advocate, I provide a safe and inclusive space where your needs are heard, respected, and honored. I offer educational resources to empower you with knowledge, ensuring that you are fully informed as you navigate life's transitions. Together, we will explore the emotional landscape of your journey, addressing any fears or uncertainties with compassion and understanding.

But that's not all – I also incorporate the healing power of plant allies to bring about greater ease and wellness to your transitions. Whether it's herbal remedies to support your body's natural rhythms or aromatic blends to soothe your spirit, our plant allies are here to guide you on your path to wholeness. So, if you're ready to embrace life's transitions with grace and confidence, I invite you to journey with me as your Full Spectrum Doula. Together, we will honor the sacredness of your journey and celebrate the beauty of your evolution.

Passage Alchemy is for you if:

  • Shifting into menarche or menopause
  • Prenatal or postpartum
  • Desire a deeper energetic connection with your next phase of life
  • Want an advocate for you through your birth journey

What's included:

  • Weekly 1 hour sessions for 3-9 months
  • Holistic Sex Re-education
  • Herbal Education
  • Herbal consultation and treatment plan with certified herbalist, doula, and sex educator Hanna Livengood
  • Somatic Practices
  • Topics: Reproductive Anatomy, Hormone Literacy, Fertility Tracking, Herbal Education (Herbal womb medicine, yoni medicine, hormone balance support), Communication Styles & Practice, Boundaries, Pleasure Mapping, Pleasure Tools, Goal Oriented Sex, Sexual Shame, Social Justice Issues Related to Sex, Plant Allies Resources
  • Resources: Anatomical Charts, Cycle Syncing Chart, Cycle Tracking Template, Pleasure Mapping Template, Herbal Chart, Somatic Practice Guides

Bookings currently closed!!!

Inquiry about Birth

Spirit Alchemy

Your guides are in the essence of everything around you. Listen.

Plant medicine transcends mere biology; it delves deep into the quantum realms of existence, offering us a sacred pathway to alchemize our beings and ignite the flames of passion within our souls. Through the wisdom of plant spirits and the boundless knowledge of the Akashic records, we unlock the secrets of the universe and harness the power of spirit to guide us on our path.

At the heart of Spirit Alchemy lies the understanding that spirit resides within all things – within ourselves, within the intricate web of plant life, and within the vast expanses of the ethers. Through our sessions, we tap into this divine essence, utilizing the tools of spirit – including tarot, Akashic records, and botanical medicine – to empower you in your quest for self-discovery and personal growth.

Our intuitive sessions are a sacred space for exploration and revelation, where we delve deep into the recesses of your soul, uncovering hidden truths and illuminating the path forward. Guided by the wisdom of spirit, we craft custom botanical medicines tailored to your unique needs, harnessing the healing power of nature to restore balance and vitality to your being.

So, if you're ready to awaken to the magic that lies within and embrace the fullness of your being, join us on a journey of transformation with Spirit Alchemy. Together, we will unlock the mysteries of the universe and ignite the spark of divine potential that resides within us all.

Earth-Spirit Guidance

30 minute session: $45

60 minute session: $70

Spirit Alchemy is for you if:

  • Ready to gain insights from your highest self
  • Desire to build an intuitive connection to plants
  • Open to receiving the medicine you need (not want)

What's included:

  • 30 or 60 minute intuitive session
  • Tarot Spread
  • Akashic Record Reading
  • Botanical Medicine customized for your soul's next highest expression
  • Topics: Health and Wellbeing, Career, Relationships, Finance, Life Transitions, Personal Growth, Decision-Making
  • Resources: Herbal Formulation, Somatic Practices, Rituals (chord-cutting ceremonies, full moon ceremonies, solar return ceremonies, etc.)

Bookings Open

Inquiry about spirit alchemy

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Services

Learn More About Doula Support, Sex & Plant Coaching, Tantric Energy Work, and Therapy

What is a doula, and how can they support me during childbirth?

A doula is a trained professional who provides emotional, physical, and informational support to individuals and couples before, during, and after childbirth. They offer continuous care, advocacy, and guidance to help you have a positive birth experience.

What is sex and plant coaching, and how can it benefit me?

Sex and plant coaching combines traditional coaching techniques with the use of herbal remedies to support sexual wellness and vitality. Our coaches work with you to address sexual health concerns, improve intimacy, and explore natural approaches to enhance your sexual experience.

What is tantric energy work, and how does it differ from traditional therapy?

Tantric energy work is a holistic approach to healing and personal growth that focuses on the flow of energy within the body. It incorporates techniques such as breathwork, meditation, and bodywork to awaken and balance the body's energy centers. Unlike traditional therapy, tantric energy work emphasizes the connection between mind, body, and spirit and aims to promote self-awareness, empowerment, and spiritual awakening.

What types of therapy do you offer, and how can it help me?

We offer a variety of therapy modalities, including talk therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based therapy, and trauma-informed therapy. Therapy can help you explore and process emotions, develop coping strategies, improve communication skills, and address underlying issues contributing to mental health challenges or relationship difficulties.

Who can benefit from these services?

Our services are suitable for individuals and couples of all ages and backgrounds who are seeking support and guidance in areas related to childbirth, sexual wellness, personal growth, and mental health. Whether you're preparing for childbirth, looking to enhance your sexual experience, seeking healing and self-discovery, or addressing mental health concerns, our team is here to support you on your journey.

How do I know which service is right for me?

We offer complimentary consultations to help you determine which service best aligns with your needs, goals, and preferences. During the consultation, we'll discuss your concerns, answer any questions you may have, and recommend a personalized approach to support your wellness journey.

Are your services confidential?

Yes, client confidentiality is of the utmost importance to us. We adhere to strict privacy and confidentiality policies to ensure that your personal information and sessions remain confidential and secure at all times.

How can I schedule an appointment or consultation?

To schedule an appointment or consultation, please contact us email, or our contact page. Our team will work with you to find a convenient time for your session and answer any additional questions you may have.

Still have questions?

Reach Out for Further Assistance or Inquiries

Learn with Hanna

Your love is my pleasure, and pleasure is my love. Let's connect for to understand our deeper ecology.

Get in touch